
For those of us to-do list lovers, who get great satisfaction as we make neat tick marks, cross off or scribble out each line on the list, it feels like a goal has been met as we watch that list dwindle. Accomplishment, focused, and successful. And it is all of those things – an errand completed, a task finished, control over our day. Control. There’s that word again. It seems to be a theme in my life and maybe it is in yours, too. When I make my lists and check things off I feel like I am controlling, planning, and maintaining my life in a healthy and well-kept way. And for a little while, I am. But, if I examine how my life feels from a different perspective I notice that many things on my to-do list are not necessarily things that bring me joy, happiness, or give me permission to rest. Yes, I am pleased when my home is clean and organized and when phone calls and emails are returned and handled. It’s a good feeling and those are necessary accomplishments, but at the same time it feels devoid of simple pleasures, of peace.  

In an effort to bring peace into my life, I put it on my to-do list and schedule time for myself as a calendar-ed event. There is nothing wrong with this. However for me it sometimes falls flat; feeling lackluster and forced. There is a lot of pressure to make that time perfectly peaceful and in the striving and worrying about whether or not I’m feeling peace, it ends up a frustrating and tiring experience.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

The peace of God. Not the peace that I force and manufacture for myself, or the momentary and fleeting peace I feel when a task is ticked off of that constant and never-ending to-do list. The peace of God. Peace that transcends all understanding, all lists, and the clutter of humanity in this oftentimes chaotic world. The peace of God redefines what a successful and accomplished day might look like if I let go of the ideal of an uncluttered day. Finding Him in the midst of the clutter and accepting each day as it comes, perhaps even allowing some things to be undone at the end of the day, could be the very thing that ushers in peace and the simple joys I am seeking.

Anxiety over an unfinished to-do list has the potential to rob you and me of beautiful times of rest and peace just sitting with a cup of coffee, walking leisurely along the beach, reading a book, and talking to Jesus. I don’t want my endless lists to become an idol that takes the place of His peace. When my day is peppered with quick prayers, ongoing conversations with Him, and following His lead throughout the day, my definition of success changes. A successful day can look like napping when our bodies are worn down, giving ourselves a little more time to complete errands and tasks, laughing and sharing with a friend or listening for His whispers in the wind chimes on the patio. It will look different for all of us and that is the beauty of Jesus – the One who knows us best. He knows how we need to experience His presence. When we welcome Him in to guide us through our day, the clamor of the clutter dims and fades in the power of His peace. God’s peace. It is a guard and shield over our hearts that filters out all that demands our time and robs us of joy. He gives us permission to lavishly rest and bask in His life-giving peace. Restoration. Healing. Peace.